Alton Handbell Ringers

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The Alton Handbell Ringers were formed in 1991 by Wendy and Alan Walters. The Alton team was started with a group of six ringers who rang on the set of 12 handbells from St. Peter’s Church Alton.

Wendy and Alan bought their own set of 2½ octaves of bells in 1991 and the team grew to nine people. More bells have been added since, to make the 3½ octaves (44 bells) that they ring on today, with twelve ringers. 

They ring a variety of music including classical, hymns, folk, and tunes from musicals.

At the Checkley Bell Extravaganza they played a variety of music including “The Can-Can”, the English folk song “Strawberry Fair” and “Rule Britannia”..

They had a very attentive audience and the pieces were well received. There was also much interest after they had finished ringing, with several people wanting to ‘have a go’.